記錄非常重要,凡走過必留痕跡,不然哪天網站被惡搞都不知道是誰惡搞,所以一定要作紀錄,Laravel-activitylog 這個套件就可以幫你做好一些紀錄,已經非常夠用,當然你也可以自己做一個更詳細的。
詳細請參考官網說明 https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-activitylog/v3/introduction
composer require spatie/laravel-activitylog
#產生 migration
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Activitylog\ActivitylogServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
#產生 config
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Activitylog\ActivitylogServiceProvider" --tag="config"
編輯 config/activitylog.php
return [
* If set to false, no activities will be saved to the database.
'enabled' => env('ACTIVITY_LOGGER_ENABLED', true),
* When the clean-command is executed, all recording activities older than
* the number of days specified here will be deleted.
'delete_records_older_than_days' => 365,
* If no log name is passed to the activity() helper
* we use this default log name.
'default_log_name' => 'default',
* You can specify an auth driver here that gets user models.
* If this is null we'll use the default Laravel auth driver.
//使用哪一個Auth Driver
'default_auth_driver' => null,
* If set to true, the subject returns soft deleted models.
'subject_returns_soft_deleted_models' => false,
* This model will be used to log activity.
* It should be implements the Spatie\Activitylog\Contracts\Activity interface
* and extend Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model.
'activity_model' => \Spatie\Activitylog\Models\Activity::class,
* This is the name of the table that will be created by the migration and
* used by the Activity model shipped with this package.
'table_name' => 'activity_log',
* This is the database connection that will be used by the migration and
* the Activity model shipped with this package. In case it's not set
* Laravel database.default will be used instead.
//連接資料庫,若需要連接不同的資料庫需在 .env 中指定
'database_connection' => env('ACTIVITY_LOGGER_DB_CONNECTION'),
安裝及設定完後請執行 php artisan migrate 將資料表建立起來。
Laravel 5.5+ 不需要在 config\app.php 中加入 providers
'providers' => [
//Spatie\Activitylog 紀錄器
例如: 後台管理登入登出紀錄
$adminuser = AdminEloquent::find(Auth::guard('admin')->id());
例如: 修改資料
$adminuser = AdminEloquent::find(Auth::guard('admin')->id());
//紀錄哪個用戶,放在 causer_type 與 causer_id 欄位
//紀錄被修改的資料表, 放在 subject_type 與 subject_id 欄位
//紀錄被修改的相關資料,放在 properties 欄位
//儲存並將字串寫入 description 欄位
//description 欄位裡面可以直接放入被修改的欄位資料或者其他資料
// ->log('編輯,標題 :subject.title, 管理者 :causer.name');
使用在 Model 中
例如: 文章的 Model,這樣只要資料表有異動就會幫你做紀錄。
use Spatie\Activitylog\Traits\LogsActivity;
class Post extends Model
use LogsActivity;
protected $fillable = [
'title', 'type', 'content', 'user_id', 'approved',
'onlinedate', 'offlinedate', 'isshow', 'istop', 'sort'
//protected static $logAttributes = ['title','content'];
//protected static $ignoreChangedAttributes = ['isshow','istop','sort'];
//要記錄的欄位 ['*'] 全部
protected static $logAttributes = ['*'];
//若使用 $logAttributes = ['*'] 時可使用來忽略某些欄位異動不啟用紀錄
// protected static $logAttributesToIgnore = [ 'type'];
protected static $logOnlyDirty = true;
//無異動資料則不增加空資料,若沒設定 $logOnlyDirty = true 時使用
//protected static $submitEmptyLogs = false;
//log_name 欄位資料
protected static $logName = '會員文章';
//protected $fillable = ['name', 'text', 'user_id'];
//protected static $logAttributes = ['name', 'text', 'user.name'];
//將此模型命名在 activity 資料表的 log_name 欄位, 等同 protected static $logName = '會員文章';
//public function getLogNameToUse(string $eventName = ''): string
// return '會員文章';
例如: IP 資料
->tap(function(Activity $activity) { $activity->ip = request()->ip();})
或者編輯 providers\AppServiceProvider.php 在 boot 啟動時就抓取IP並一起紀錄
//第一種方式 (舊版做法)
//只要有作紀錄動作,都將IP寫入 properties 欄位
Activity::saving(function (Activity $activity) {
$activity->properties = $activity->properties->put('ip', request()->ip());
//第二種方式 (新版作法)
Activity::saving(function(Activity $activity) { $activity->ip = $activity->ip = request()->ip();});
$lastActivity = Activity::all()->last();
$lastActivity = Activity::all()->last()->change();
$lastActivity = Activity::all()->last()->properties;
$lastActivity = Activity::all()->last()->description;
$lastActivity = Activity::where('log_name' , 'other-log')->get();
// properties 欄位的資料格式
'attributes' => [
'name' => 'updated name',
'text' => 'Lorum',
'old' => [
'name' => 'original name',
'text' => 'Lorum',
'ip' => ['xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'],
{{ $lastActivity['ip'] }}
{{ $lastActivity->ip }}